It’s not often a projects follow all the steps of the full blown process I’ve mentioned here. But that doesn’t mean I scale the process and apply to where I see a fit.
Stages, phases, the magnitudes can be adjusted. Not all projects have had enough time that have allowed for, say, deep user analysis or full-range broad wires.
I’ve gone through a lot of phases, with additions and with deviants, and still there are so much more. And also less. Way less.
Which is why it’s been quite odd to spell it all out. Rarely if ever has a project followed all these basic phases.
Yet, I’m proud to be able to adopt. Design, processes, -even cultures. I consider it my top skill. Which is why I include that skill highest up in my resume.
On that same note this may very well be a growing, adjusting document.
Feel free to give me thoughts, opinions, questions or feedback on anything you’ve read on here. Here's my LinkedIn.
Also, of course, feel free to ask me to expand on specifics or share stories. Big plus for 90s references.
Thank you for reading.